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The Meaning Revolution: Leading with the Power of Purpose

Trade Paperback
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June 2018
About the book: 
Why purpose and meaning drive success, by the 'in-house philosopher' at LinkedIn.
'One of the most extraordinary thinkers on leadership and management I have ever encountered' - Sheryl Sandberg
Forget the standard practices of leadership taught in business school -- all about compensation, command and control. This is a new model for how to inspire -- through purpose, principle and people. The Meaning Revolution is Fred Kofman's call to arms for anyone who has ever felt unengaged at work and offers actionable advice for how we can all find more meaning and dignity whatever we do.
Bringing together economics and conflict resolution, counselling and mindfulness, Kofman explains how our most deep-seated anxiety is that we are wasting our lives. The things that we think matter -- salaries and job titles -- actually only account for 15% of our motivation at work. The other 85% is about how we belong, feeling we make a difference, that we serve a purpose larger than ourselves. Transformative leadership is about helping employees feel connected to a great mission or purpose, and discovering the 'immortality project' at the core of your business.

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