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How to Get a SARS Refund for Small Businesses

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April 2019
About the book: 
This book is the follow-up to How to Get a SARS Refund, which explained individual taxes. How to Get a SARS Refund for Small Businesses explains small-business tax and is written in easy-to-understand language. The practical examples in the book will allow those who have never studied the subject to understand the tax rules quickly and easily, and will provide aspiring entrepreneurs with extra confidence to take that first step on their business adventure. Current business owners will gain a better understanding of how their business operates.
The book covers different types of tax that a small-business owner may encounter, including income tax, VAT, pay-as-you-earn (PAYE) and dividends tax. The book details how different types of entities are taxed, such as a private company compared with a sole proprietor.
How to Get a SARS Refund for Small Businesses  aims to bridge the current education gap that exists for entrepreneurs and small-business owners who were never taught about tax in school or at university.
Other titles by this author 
About the Author
Daniel Baines is an admitted attorney with a Bachelor of Arts, LLB and MComm (in taxation) from Rhodes University. He works for P.W. Harvey & Co. as a tax consultant and legal advisor. His current position entails tax consulting, in-house legal advice and managing the firm’s deceased estates department. Daniel is a regular contributor of tax articles to The Herald  newspaper and has had two of his tax articles published in the Sunday Times

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