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Eyezingane Izinyoni zaseNingizimu ye-Afrika

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July 2023
About the book: 

Le ncwadi ejabulisayo, egcwele mfi yethula izingane emaqenjini ezinyoni ezingaphezu kwama-60 ezitholakala eningizimu ne-Afrika: okholwase abanemilenze emide, oklebe abasheshayo, izincwincwi ezifana nejuba, izinsingizi ezinesibindi nezinye eziningi. Funda ukubona izinyoni ezihlukahlukene, futhi uthole nendlela ehlaba umxhwele eziziphatha ngayo–indlela ezithola ngayo ukudla, ezikhetha ngayo umlingani, ezakha ngayo isidleke, ezikhulisa ngayo amachwane azo nokuthi zizigwema kanjani izilwane ezizizingelayo. Isingeniso esinemininingwane sichaza okuphathelene nezinyoni okunjengokuthandana, ukufuduka, ukuhlala kwazo ngaziningi kanye nokwebuza. Kufakwe izithombe ezinhle ngokwedlulele ezingaphezu kwama-500, eziningi zichaziwe ukuze zigqamise izici nokuthile okuhlukile okuhlaba umxhwele ngazo.

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About the Author
Hélène Loon holds an Honours degree in Ornithology from the University of Cape Town. She has extensive experience in ornithological research, raptor and crane conservation and bird-ringing projects.

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