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Bundu Food for the African Bush

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July 2013
About the book: 
Bundu Food for the African Bush  is the Leatherman of cookery books! If you love the great outdoors, this is the cookbook for you. The recipes have been carefully selected to meet the demands and challenges of camping in faraway places and the necessary ingredients and equipment can be packed into your 4 x 4 vehicle.
All the recipes can be prepared either over an open fire or on a gas stove. Over the years 4 x 4 safari equipment has improved and nowadays most people own a small camping fridge or freezer. This means you can prepare a wider variety of food and you don’t have to depend on soy or canned food anymore. You also don’t need to be a celebrity chef to make the dishes, as they are tasty, yet easy to prepare. 

Bundu Food for the African Bush  will have you cooking like a professional chef on safari and serving everything from salads to moussaka and even ice cream!
Other titles by this author 
About the Author
Rita van Dyk is the author of several bestsellers, including: The Mpumalanga Travel GuideThe Backpacker’s CookbookThe 4x4 CookbookThe 4x4 Safari Cookbook Bundu Food  (Winner in the 2013 Gourmand World Cookbook Award in The Best Single Subject Cookbook in South Africa Category) and Bush Cooking .
Rita van Dyk is die outeur van verskeie topverkopers, onder andere The Mpumalanga Travel Guide The Backpacker’s Cookbook Die 4x4 Kookboek, Die 4x4 Safari Kookboek Boendoe Kos vir die Afrika Bos  (Wenner van die 2013 Gourmand World Cookbook-toekenning in die kategorie: Die Beste Enkel-onderwerp Kookboek in Suid Afrika.) en Gramadoela-Kos .  

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